Saturday Rambling

Saturday Rambling

Good morning and happy Saturday.  I hope that you had a good week. I had the privilege of going to Mexico on a mission trip and it was a blessing.  I went with an incredible group of people and we got to spend the week serving together. It was wonderful.  We did a variety of things like teaching at two kids clubs in the colonias, teaching at the churches, sharing testimonies, preaching, working at the school, sharing devotionals, spending time with old friends, making new friends, and eating quite often.  I am already thinking about the next trip.

On the way home, Chrissy mentioned that I had the seat next to Jim and that she was in a different row. Being nice for once (that’s how I knew God was a work) and thinking I might get an opportunity to share with someone, I offered to switch seats.  And God provided an opportunity.  Before we even took off, we started talking. I found out that he was leaving Mexico and starting the next chapter of his life in the US. He has been married for nearly 5 years, but he and his wife have only been able to spend a few months together at a time. They had met due to a mission trip which was pretty cool.  Anyway,  he was very sad about leaving his mom and sister in Mexico, he was anxious about moving to a new country, but also excited about finally living with his wife. We spent the entire flight talking, sharing some verses and even prayed together before getting off the plane.  At one point, he said that he knew God loved him because he put a pastor next to him on the plane when he needed it most. All of this was a reminder of how God orchestrates divine appointments in our lives.  It is when you recognize that God has you right where He wants you for His purposes.  It is always such a blessing to experience.  

Sadly, we often get so busy with the normal routine of life that we don’t realize there are divine opportunities all around us.  God doesn’t just work these out when we are on a mission trip.  He wants to use us far more often than that.  Unfortunately, we are often unaware of it since we get so focused on our own plans, schedule, self, etc.  Maybe, if we seek to be intentional about it, we can start to recognize opportunities more frequently. And when we do, each day will become more of the adventure, the journey that God wants us to be on. 



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