Global Missions

Global Missions

Community Impact Church is heavily involved in global missions. We want to extend our reach by involving ourselves with ministries that are directly impacting the world through the sharing of the gospel. We have chosen key spots around the world to invest in through monetary support, partnership and encouragement, and sending of people to assist in the ministry.


Our ministry in India is two-fold. One of our members, Bob Zoller, travels to India as often as possible to lead evangelistic services, encourage local pastors and believers, and work with local ministry personnel to build self-sustaining businesses to fund their own ministry.

Additionally, we partner with Pastor Enosh, a local leader in India. Pastor Enosh’s ministry, Truthful Gospel Ministries, started the Peace Children’s Home, which now cares for 105 boys and girls, and trains many pastors doing village outreach. Truthful Gospel Ministries is located in south central India.

By partnering with Pastor Enosh, we are able to help carry the Gospel to hundreds of churches in India.


Members of Community Impact Church have partnered for the last 10 years with Pastor Alfredo Marin and the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Empalme, Sonora, Mexico. Through our support, visits and partnership, dozens of lost people have found eternal life through salvation. We have made many trips to Empalme and hope to do more in the coming days.