Posts from 2022

Posts from 2022

Saturday Rambling

Good morning, happy Saturday and the last day of 2022. Wow, it is hard to believe that another year has gone by.  If you are wired like me, you will likely spend some time evaluating the year, goals, etc.  Then, on January 1st, it is time to embark on the adventure of another year.  Last Wednesday was a day of celebration for my family.  Our daughter…

Saturday Rambling

Good morning and happy Christmas Eve day. Our Christmas Eve service will be at 5:00 pm this evening and will feature special music from the choir, a message from God’s Word, communion, and candlelight.  The message will be interpreted in Spanish.  I hope that you can join us for this special evening of worship of Jesus.  On Christmas morning, we will be…

Saturday Rambling

Good morning and happy Saturday.  A friendly reminder that is Christmas is almost here.  You have two weeks to scurry about getting presents, decorating, and striving to have that perfect picture to post on social media to try to outdo your friends and family.  I can hear the silent protests now.  What?  Me?  Never. My motivation is purely…

Saturday Rambling

Good morning and happy Saturday.  Today is one of those interesting days in ministry.  This morning I am doing a memorial service and then I am off to the church to prepare for our two Christmas parties.  We are doing them for the families of the youth and children in our discipleship on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.  At each party, I will have the…

Saturday Rambling

Good morning and happy Saturday. May the Lord bless you and allow you to experience His presence this weekend.  I hope that you had a good week. As we enter this busy season, let us keep our focus on Jesus, our Savior whose birth we celebrate.  Yesterday, a few of us made the journey to vacation capitol of the midwest, Branson, MO.  We are going to see…