Good morning and happy Saturday. May the Lord bless you and allow you to experience His presence this weekend. I hope that you had a good week. As we enter this busy season, let us keep our focus on Jesus, our Savior whose birth we celebrate.
Yesterday, a few of us made the journey to vacation capitol of the midwest, Branson, MO.
We are going to see the Miracle of Christmas presentation later today. We thought that would be a good way to start this season. However, the trip down was a bit interesting. The wind was gusting like crazy and we were in a 15 passenger van. As I drove along, it was all I could do at times to keep it in our lane. I felt bad for those riding with me because we were swerving around so much. It was actually nice when we stopped at that slice of Americana known as the Osceola Cheese Factory. Not just because of the Dr. Pepper, cheesesticks and other snacks, but because we were out of the wind for a while. It was a respite from the turbulence we had been in for the previous two hours. The same was true when we finally made it to Branson. We had dinner together, looked a Christmas lights, and then played games for a couple of hours. It was a wonderful time. Just friends spending time together, enjoying one another’s company. A respite from the crazy world in which we live in.
As I thought about the van ride, it really made me think of life sometimes. We are traveling along the road of life, striving to reach a destination, and we are buffeted about by various challenges and even the winds of change all around us. We live in a world that is quite chaotic. The moral thread of society has unraveled. Many things that are now accepted and even celebrated are not biblical. And yet the world thinks we all must embrace these things wholeheartedly. The pressure is on and will only intensify.
So, how does one pursue the straight and narrow in times like these? The same way it has been done the last 2000 years. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Allow God’s Word to be a lamp for your feet and a light for your path. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
It truly is a blessing to have friends from church that you can walk through the journey of life together. Spending time together just might be the respite you need to be refreshed for journey ahead. May God bless and guide you throughout this season.