Saturday Rambling

Saturday Rambling

Good morning, happy Saturday and the last day of 2022. Wow, it is hard to believe that another year has gone by.  If you are wired like me, you will likely spend some time evaluating the year, goals, etc.  Then, on January 1st, it is time to embark on the adventure of another year. 

Last Wednesday was a day of celebration for my family.  Our daughter Hannah had our very first grand baby. Btw, thanks to all who prayed and sent congratulations.  Initially, the doctor thought the baby would come sometime in mid Janaury. Then the date changed to December 30th.  But the Lord had other plans. Hannah went to the hospital on Christmas night with a condition that isn’t that common. After trying the various means to induce, the decision was made to do a C section on Wednesday am. We praise Lord that everything went well. Baby Dallas and Hannah are now at home and are doing well.  

As I write this, I am in a hotel room in Fairfax, Virginia on my birthday. December 31st is Hannah’s birthday which everyone celebrates on her behalf on New Year’s eve.  All of this is a reminder of the seasons of life.  The years go by. Things change. One season ends another begins. Hannah and Daniel are parents. Michelle and I are now grandparents. Of course, this makes us reflect back on when we first became parents.  What a blessing and journey it has been thus far. As you know,  you are never done being a parent regardless of the age of your kids.  It just transitions to a new season or stage of life.

I don’t know what season of life you are in, but maybe this “old grandpa” can offer this: enjoy the journey. If you are single, newlyweds, old timers or whatever, celebrate what God is doing in your life.  Allow Him to lead you through each and every season. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


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